
New Freckled Frog Products for 2023

We are excited to announce that we have 16 brand new additions to our The Freckled Frog range this year! From rainbow-coloured puzzles to minibeasts and habitats, we have everything from wooden early years, maths and construction toys to science resources covered within our brand-new selection for 2023. Why don’t we have a look at some of them in more detail? Keep reading to find out more!

The Use of Tuff Trays in Early Years

Tuff Trays are becoming an increasingly popular learning tool throughout early years settings across the world. You may be asking yourself, what is a tuff tray and why are they becoming so trendy? Continue reading this blog to find out why!

International Women’s Day 2022 – Women in STEM

The 8th of March marks the United Nation’s International Women’s Day, a day which is dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements through increasing their visibility (both past and present) whilst also calling out against gender-based inequality which to this day still persists.

I don’t know about you, but I find that my productivity and energy levels skyrocket after just a mere thirty minutes outside each day. I make sure that I take a walk and breath in some fresh air during each lunch break, because I know that I will return to my desk feeling reinvigorated and ready to tackle whatever is next on my to do list.

As 2021 comes to a close, we can’t help but sit and reflect about all of the things that we achieved this past year. From surviving yet another tumultuous year under a pandemic, to the addition of new members of the team – here are our yearly highlights.

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